dijous, 22 de novembre del 2012

The biodiversity of the amazon is being threatened
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By Islena Ferreira

Nowhere in the word are there as many trees cut down as in the amazon forest. An organisation, non governamental, WWF, shows that the medium of deforestation in Amazon is the biggest of the world, it is being 30% plus intense than Indonesia, the second situated in the Ranking of environmental devastation.
In the Amazon, the deforestation exponentially grew in the 70's and 80's, but this tax continues increasing.
The change of the land affects the regional hidrology, global cicle of the coal , the lost of the water of the surface across the evaporation of the sea and the transpiration of the plants, the lost of the biodiversity, the probability of the fire is because the regional reduction of rains.
The threats of degradation andvance in an accelerated rhythm. The offcial dates, elaborated by INPE(Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Especiais), about the deforestation in Amazon show that it is extremely high and continues growing. It has already been eliminated around of 570 thousand kilometers of forests, an amount equivalent  of the surface of France. However, the situation can be still at worst.

Nowadays the big challenge is search the maximum consciousness about the different ecosistems of Amazon and show options about how this consciousness can be used for a sustainable development.

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